About Us
- About CREDI
- History
- Board of Directors
- Corporate Structure
- Mission & Vision
- Accreditation
- Associates
The Catholic Religious Educational Development Institute (CREDI) is an educational institution offering a range of programmes aimed at supporting individuals in their development as missionary disciples and servant leaders.
With Catholicism as its foundation, CREDI educates to nurture individuals to develop their vocation and social conscience so that they can be exemplars in their field of work and as citizens of the world. The first of its kind in Trinidad and Tobago, CREDI represents a unique blend of academia and pastoral studies. To fulfill its mission, CREDI has established collaborative partnerships with relevant Archdiocesan agencies and national and international educational institutions.
- Education with a Catholic perspective
- Parish Development in preparation for Pastoral Ministry
- Social Outreach fostering social justice.
In 1996, Archbishop Anthony Pantin instructed the Archdiocese of Port Spain to establish an organization for the purpose of:
- Standardizing and integrating all existing educational and developmental programmes and activities approved by the Archdiocese;
- Developing new educational and developmental programmes and activities for all levels of Catholic faithful, as well as for members of the general public who might be interested in the Archdiocesan educational initiatives.
As a result of this vision and directive, CREDI was legally established through an Act of Parliament (Act # 41 of 1997). At the Archdiocesan Synod of 2005, recommendations were again articulated highlighting the need for this type of institution. The Most Reverend Edward Gilbert, Archbishop of Port of Spain at that time, requested that the idea of a tertiary level Catholic Institute be reactivated and made fully operational.
In October 2007, under the guidance of the Vicar of Administration for the Archdiocese of Port of Spain, the then Msgr. Charles Jason Gordon, CREDI established its offices and appointed a Board of Directors. In July 2008, CREDI was registered by the ACTT and has maintained its status as a registered tertiary institution to the present. Up to 2019, CREDI concentrated, in the main, on offering Bachelor of Education programmes to teachers and potential teachers.
However, on February 1, 2020 CREDI took a bold step in a new direction, shifting its focus from secular academic programmes to one which brings its pastoral mandate to the fore. The institution is committed fully to working in the service of the Archdiocese and has aligned all its programmes and activities to the Aspiration of the Archdiocese as stated in the Archdiocesan Pastoral Plan.
“We are the people of God united by Word and Sacrament, building Christ-centred communities that form Catholics to discern their vocation as missionary disciples of Jesus and who work for the development of each person, every dimension of the human person, and all peoples with a preferential option for the youth and the poor.”
The Most Reverend Dr. Charles Jason Gordon
CREDI is governed by a Board of Directors who meet bi-monthly to receive reports, make strategic decisions and regulate the Institute. At the meetings, the Director of CREDI reports directly to the Board on the progress of the organisation and the execution of the organisation’s vision. The Board therefore reviews specific critical areas of the organisation and lends their expertise on these matters.
Our Board Comprises:
- The Most Reverend Dr. Charles Jason Gordon (Chairman)
- Reverend Dr. Arnold Francis [The Theological institute]
- Father Martin Sirju
- Gregory Delzin
- Leela Ramdeen
- Mary Fullerton
- Joycelyn Rampersad
- Maria Byron
- Sister Angela Ann Zukowski [University of Dayton]
- Launcelot Brown [Duquesne University]
Our staff members share the responsibility for the administration, coordination and management of CREDI to ensure the seamless execution of programmes and the achievement of the Institute’s objectives.
Our staff members include:
Fr. Matthew Ragbir – General Manager
Mrs. Shanel Bethel-Sylverton – Quality Assurance/Operations Manager
Ms. Ria Mohan – Programme Manager
Mr. J’Lani De Four – Assistant to the General Manager
Mrs. Emily Ramkissoon-Francis – Administrative Assistant
CREDI is a Catholic tertiary institution committed to developing missionary disciples for service to church and society through transformative programmes of education.
Servant Leaders for Human Dignity and Social Justice.
On Mission to Teach and Lead.
Core Values
- Respect
- Integrity
- Service
- Spirituality
- Social Justice
- Community
CREDI was registered with the Accreditation Council of Trinidad and Tobago (ACTT) as a provider of tertiary education on July 11, 2008. The Institution has maintained registration thereafter. The ACTT is the country’s primary regulatory body for post-secondary and tertiary education in Trinidad and Tobago. Registration with the ACTT ensures that the education students receive meets the quality standards required for higher education.
Associates of CREDI
CREDI’s associates include the Theological Institute and the Seminary of St. John Vianney and the Uganda Martyrs (SJVUM). The Theological Institute and the SJVUM provide the spiritual formation of seminarians for the diocesan priesthood and the theological formation of clergy, religious and laity for service in the Archdiocese. These two organisations along with CREDI are the educational institutions under the Archdiocese. These bodies therefore collaborate and share a unique, mutually beneficial relationship. CREDI provides assistance in a variety of ways including programme and curriculum development and the Seminary in turn provides theological advice as well as facilitators for CREDI’s pastoral courses. There continues to be opportunities for greater interaction and sustained collaboration in education between these institutions in the future.
Phone: – 1(868)662-6774
Fax: 1(868)662-3485
Email: – deanofstudies@regionalseminary.org