Catholic Education
- Professional Development
- Leading Catholic Education
- Online Instructions for Digital Tools
Professional Development
We identify the professional development needs of the teachers and school administrators in Catholic schools with the aim of forming educators who will inspire those in their care.
We deliver programmes that are built on a Catholic world view and the Catholic perspective on education.
ALL are welcome to apply.
Entry requirements vary and depend on the programme of interest.
Please use this link to register your interest in our future programmes and we will contact you with further information
Leading Catholic Education
The programme provides a forum for primary school Principals to renew and review the call to lead as Principals of Catholic Primary Schools. It explores the purpose of Catholic education and positions Principals in their vocation as school leaders. The participants are led to examine their responsibility for fostering Catholic identity and building the school community.
They also recognize the importance of integrating a Catholic worldview and Catholic pedagogy into the school curriculum. They discuss the role of the school in formation both through the RE curriculum and the varied experiences in the school curriculum that go beyond secular goals.
The programme will
- discuss the purpose and principles of Catholic education;
- examine the context of Catholic education in Trinidad and Tobago;
- examine the concept of Catholic identity and the Principal’s role in promoting and maintaining it within the school environment;
- promote an understanding of leadership as a vocation rooted in the call to missionary discipleship;
- analyse skills and practices that can enhance integral development expectations throughout the school;
- introduce the theological background and competencies necessary for planning and managing the Religious Education curriculum for formation;
- create an awareness of the values and dispositions that Principals must model as elements of community and communion within the school.
- The purpose of Catholic education
- Catholic education in Trinidad and Tobago
- The characteristics of a Catholic School
- Catholic identity
- The Catholic world view
- The goal of integral human development
- The Catholic perspective on the school curriculum
- Catechesis and the RE curriculum
- The Call to Lead as the School Principal
- The role of prayer and spirituality of the leader
Online Instructions for Digital Tools

This course will introduce participants to online teaching and learning and ways to make it a viable pedagogical alternative to face-to-face teacher classroom instruction. Participants will discuss the curriculum principles that should influence their planning and practice as well as issues that must be treated with as peculiar to the digital environment and responsible digital citizenship. Participants will examine various methodologies to determine how best to integrate synchronous, asynchronous and hybrid approaches into their pedagogical practice. Against this background, they will explore and experiment with various digital tools to develop teaching/learning episodes to obtain the best overall value to students.
The objectives of this course are to:
- Discuss and apply principles of instructional planning for online learning.
- Explore Google Classroom and Google Meet as teaching/learning platforms for online digital curriculum delivery.
- Identify various digital tools as teaching/learning resources.
- Analyze digital use behaviours and media literacy skills for exemplary digital citizenship.
- Planning curriculum for online instruction
- Synchronous curriculum delivery and digital tools
- Asynchronous curriculum delivery and digital tools
- Blended or hybrid approaches to online delivery
- Promoting and maintaining a positive learning environment
- The digital environment and responsible behaviour